Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Get a Free Quote for Indiana Auto Insurance

Do you need a quote for Indiana Auto Insurance? You can get quotes for Indiana auto insurance on the phone, online or from an auto insurance agent. Which is the best way to get an Indiana auto insurance quote?

Getting an online Indiana insurance quote is considered to be the most convenient way to get an auto insurance quote by most people because you can get a quote 24 hours a day and you won’t be pressured to buy a policy after getting the quote. However, if you get an online quote and then buy the policy that you are quoted you might end up paying more than you need to. If you get a quote from a customer agent on the phone or from a local agent you might find out that you can get discounts that you can’t get online. Some people also don’t feel secure entering personal information like their social security number and address on a website which you will have to do in order to get a quote online.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Free Online Insurance Quotes at Your Fingertips

It has been a long day. You worked hard. You would like nothing better than to put your feet up in front of the television and relax with a cold beer in hand. But, you remember that your auto insurance policy is about to expire and you want to find a new company to cover your car. Hurray for the Internet. Gone are the days when you had to go in person to an insurance office during business hours and talk to a living, breathing human being.

Now at the click of a mouse, you can access all the information you need to make an informed decision about what type of coverage suits your needs based on your unique circumstances. Welcome to the world of online insurance quotes. It is here to stay. Why be inconvenienced by leaving your home or workstation when all you need is Internet access and a few minutes?
You can shower, prepare a gourmet meal, make E*trades and increase your stock portfolio all while obtaining online insurance quotes thanks to the convenience of the Internet. More convenient than searching through the yellow pages under insurance and then calling each one and being on hold while waiting for a customer service rep to get you in their queue. More convenient than physically driving around from company to company and speaking with someone face to face. Think of all the time that is saved by being able to click, type, print and go about your business.

Read Our Full Story On How to Get Free Online Insurance Quotes at Your Fingertips

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Controversy Over Complete Auto Insurance Coverage

In a society of “good enough” and “that’ll do” it is often difficult for drivers to determine whether or not they should carry complete coverage on their auto insurance. After all, do they really want to pay thousands of dollars in premiums on the off chance that their car or truck will sustain damages that are too expensive for them to pay for? Or would it be better for them to simply assume the risk themselves?

There are a number of arguments both for and against having complete coverage on a vehicle. The bottom line is that the amount of auto insurance a driver needs should be determined by their individual circumstances.

The argument for complete coverage is obvious. Although the cost of repairing a vehicle following an accident for which the driver in question is not responsible will be assumed by the other driver’s auto insurance company, they are going to be left holding the bag if the accident was their fault. This means that if their car is totaled (meaning that the cost of the repairs is greater than the estimated value of the car) they’re going to be left with no vehicle and no assistance to help them purchase another one. If they had complete coverage, this expense would be assumed by their collision insurance.
Read the Full Story on Controversy Over Complete Auto Insurance Coverage